Friday, April 26, 2013

How do you schedule your Childrens Activities?

Good Morning all you Savvy moms out there! It's been almost a week since I have posted on this blog! Such crazy lives as mommies, right?! My Son, is beginning Soccer this coming Monday, so things are just going to get crazier! I have a question for all you regarding when you start your child in organized sports, and the classes you put your children into and why?

You always here about the Mommy that overextends their children and have them in too many activities. I may fall into this category, but I will tell you why I choose to keep mine and my Son's time filled with "active" activities!! 

I am a little concerned because my Son is only 3 years old!! This Soccer class is held at our local YMCA on Monday nights and Wednesday night for an hour a week!! Is that not CRAZY!! At 3 years old, I was NEVER doing anything for that long twice a week! My Mom was lucky to hold my attention for more than 20 minutes! Anyhow, they do state that it is only to help with the Child's coordination and for fun, so I decided to try it. It is also only 3 weeks long, so if it doesn't work out it's only a short period of time! PLUS he gets to be active, and in this day with Children and Adults alike, I want my Son to "connect" with other Children, and I get to meet other Mommies like me! Can't go wrong there!! So what I'd like to hear form you? What sports are your children in? What is your activity routine per week? I only have one child, so it is far easier to get him to his classes and I don't have to worry about 2 or more classes going on at one time and how to get them there!!  Please comment below! 

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